(.txt or .csv format)


(.txt or .csv format)


(.txt or .csv format)

  • CARD
  • ResFinder
  • MEGARes 1.0
  • MEGARes 2.0 (only Drugs)
  • MEGARes 2.0 (Complete)
  • NCBI AMRFinder
  • ARGminer
  • SARG 2.0
  • ARDB
  • BacMet (only Exp. validated)
  • AMPs resistance gene dataset

Upload your Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (ARGs) read count table as a tab-delimited text file (.txt) or comma separated values (.csv) format. The sample names must be in first row starting with "#NAME" label. A small example data is shown below:

#NAME                Sample1   Sample2  Sample3 Sample4 Sample5
dfrA1_2_AJ419168       21       4	 4	  0	  0
tet(O)_1_M18896        424	232	 191	  786	  189
tet(T)_1_L42544        0	45	 0	  0	  1
aph(3')-III_1_M26832   47	48	 50	  51	  46

Upload your sample data information as a tab-delimited text file (.txt) or comma separated values (.csv) format. The sample names must be in the first column with "#NAME" as header, followed by the sample variable or experimental factor names from 2nd column onwards. Sample names should be same as provided in ARG abundance file. A small example data is shown below:

#NAME       Treatment
Sample1     Control
Sample2     Control
Sample3     Antibiotics
Sample4     Antibiotics
Sample5     Antibiotics

Upload your ARGs or features functional annotation table in tab-delimited text (.txt) or comma-seperated values (.csv) format. The feature names must be in first column starting with "#ANNOTATION" label and they should match with the feature names provided in ARG abundance file. Functional classification of features has to be present in first row. Here, user can provide their own simple, hierarchical and acyclic annotations and structure to perform accurate downstream count-based analysis. An example data is shown below:

#ANNOTATION             Class            Mechanism
dfrA1_2_AJ419168	Trimethoprim     Folate pathway antagonist
tet(O)_1_M18896         Tetracycline     Target protection
tet(T)_1_L42544         Tetracycline     Target protection
aph(3')-III_1_M26832	Aminoglycoside   Enzymatic modification

User can directly select the database which is used for annotation of sequences during upstream analysis from the currently available options rather than uploading the annotation file. The functional annotation information and scheme of the selected database will be used for further downstream analysis. Currently, ResistoXplorer supports several most widely used databases encompassing diverse variety of ARGs (Antibiotics, Biocide, Metal, Antimicrobial Peptide, etc.). The annotation scheme, information and format of each database varies significantly from each other. So, please review the Data Format section to have a clear idea on how the databases are organized and what format of features (rownames) annotation is required to use the specific database.

Pig & Broiler
Gut resistome profile of 80 fecal samples derived from slaughter pigs and broilers in two European countries i.e., Italy and Netherlands (P Munk, et al.). Group label: Pig and Broilers - indicating the livestock group.
Beef feedlot cattle
Gut resistome profile of 60 samples from commercial beef feedlot cattle treated with therapeutic doses of tulathromycin (E Doster, et al.). Group label: Untreated and Treated- indicating the treatment group; Day1 and Day11 - indicating the timepoint group.
Human oral microbiome
Ecological consequences of low ampicillin concentrations (0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 µg/mL) on an ex-vivo biofilm model of the human oral microbiome from 2 healthy donors (Brar NK, et al., 2023; Under Review). Group label: Donor A and B- indicating the donors; 0,25,50 and 100 - representing different ampicillin concentrations.
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